March 1, 2012

Huggies Pull-Ups Review and Giveaway!

Are you currently or about to start potty training your little one?

Well Huggies is a good place to start.  They have 2 different types of Pull-ups to choose from.  This way you can choose which way is the best for your child.  They have the Cooling Alert Pull-ups that have a cool sensation when they get wet to let your little on know what's going on and to warn them that they have to go!

And they have the learning designs.  These have a picture on them that fade when they get wet.  So when the picture disappears your child knows they need to go!  As I put it if they want the picture to stay you have to go potty!

My daughter uses the Cool Alert Pull-ups for she hates when they "get cool" and tells me when she needs to go potty or when she needs to be changed when she doesn't make it.  Now since we're in the early stages of training, she still uses diapers at night and some times during the early evening.

Now the Girl's version has Disney Princesses on them as the Boy's designs are Disney Cars.  The available sizes are 2T-3T and 3T-4T.  The best thing about Huggies Pull-ups are that the sides can open and be put back together unlike the other name brand.  So there aren't accidental rips that make you waste one, which always a plus!

To help you along the way on your potty training journey, Huggies has the POTTY DANCE!  This is a good way to get your child excited about potty training.  My daughter and I have fun learning this dance and doing it to remind her to let us know when she has to go!

To learn more about these products, you can go here.  You can sign up and find money-saving coupons.  Plus the site has a great community if you have any questions or need more advice from other parents.

Now to help you out I'll send a gift package full of info and goodies to a winner of this giveaway. Giveaway ends March 15, 2012 at Midnight EST.  Just leave your first name and last initial and the state you are from. Let me know if you have any potty training tips!  Winner will be notified on this blog and they will have 48 to respond or the gift will go to the next winner.  The winner will be chosen via.

I bought the product myself and was not paid for my opinion, all opinions on this blog are my own.  This is not a sponsored post. 

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