March 6, 2012

Voskos Greek Yogurt with Granola Review

Recently I was at my local Publix Supermarket and a sale caught my eye.  Voskos Greek Yogurt was 10 for $10 which to me is a good deal when normally they are close to $2 a piece.  When I reached for my normal yogurt, I noticed that they had a new product out.  It was the same yogurt just with a side cup of Granola.  I thought to myself that sounded pretty good, so I grabbed a few flavors to try out.

I grabbed 3 different flavors to try out: Strawberry, Vanilla, and Blueberry.  My favorite I would have to say was Vanilla with the Granola.  It was pretty good and the Vanilla flavor didn't take away from the granola which was a plus.  Now the thing I was most amused by was the packaging.  The side with granola flips over straight into the yogurt with no mess!  I'm not sure if I'm just easily amused, but I was super excited about this feature.  See below,  isn't that cool?!


Amazing isn't it?  lol  The other plus was that my 2 year old daughter loved it too.  I didn't want to share and I thought she would only eat maybe a bite or two, but she ended up eating the whole thing!

At 140 Calories a cup, Granola included, it's not a bad snack or breakfast.  

If you would like to give this product a try, don't forget to go here to print out a coupon.
You can also find out more information about Voskos Greek Yogurt with Granola, plus the other great products they have on their site And while you're at it, "Like" them on Facebook!

I bought the product myself and was not paid for my opinion, all opinions on this blog are my own.  This is not a sponsored post. 

1 comment:

Kristen said...

I absolutely love this yogurt. The mix of honey and granola is an amazing idea!