Where can I find coupons?
Your local Sunday newspaper (coupons are regional)
Online printables (coupons.com, smartsource.com, redplum.com, target.com/coupons)
Tearpads at the grocery store
Ebay.com (buyer beware!)
Hanging on products at the store
These are just a few places you can find coupons. Remember, they can be anywhere!
Would I need to get multiple copies of coupons?
Of Course! I always try to get at minimum 2 copies of every coupon. Therefore I always buy at least 2 copies of my local newspaper. You should get as many coupons as you want for certain items. The more you have, the more you save and can stock up on. I always say a minimum of 2 because you can use them on a Buy One, Get One (BOGO) deal. For example:
I have 2 coupons for $1 off 1 pkg. of Yummy Brand Bacon.
The store in my area has that brand on sale for $3 BOGO.
Therefore I will get 2 pkgs and use both coupons.
Yummy Bacon $3 BOGO
use 2 $1/1 coupons
= $1 for 2 pkgs of bacon
See?! You saved $2 and you got each pkg of bacon for $.50 a piece! The more coupons you had of that $1/1 Yummy Bacon means the more bacon you can save on and stock up on.
Well, How do I get more coupons?
Well this is an easy answer. You can ask your friends and family for their unused coupons. You could buy more newspapers. You could host a neighborhood coupon swap. You could pay for a clipping service (ie. Ebay.com or TheCouponClippers.com). You could even go to AFullCup.com and trade for coupons among the members!
Ok, I understand couponing, but why should I stockpile?
In my personal experience, I stockpile to save my family money. I buy as much as I can when the prices are at rock bottom pricing and stock up enough to last for 6-12 months. I love it when my husband asks what we need to buy on payday and it's only 1 or 2 items instead of everything you would need for normal household things. But what I can tell you is stockpile what you want and need for your family. Don't feel bad if you miss a deal or if you don't have room to make a stockpile. There are always ways to save.